5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Doula

Posted on July 7, 2022

1. A doula is a comforter.

A doula is there to support the laboring mother in many different ways; pep talks, massages, laboring positions and relaxation techniques, to name a few. She also makes sure the birth environment is what the mother wants (dim lighting, soft music, and so on). She is experienced and can offer reassurance and guidance during what can be a 

2. Having a doula often means a decreased rate of interventions during labor.

Studies show a decrease in the cesarean rate, the use of forceps, vacuum extraction, and episiotomies. A doula can also help a mother have a drug-free birth, if that is what her birth plan asks for. The grounding presence of a doula alone can bring a tremendous amount of relief.stressful time.

3. A doula can bring peace of mind to dad, too.

Doulas allow dads to take a step back to rest and refuel, without any guilt attached. Knowing that their partner is being well-cared for and won't be alone can help the father focus on the momentous occasion of becoming a new parent. Having an extra pair of hands makes a big difference to a mother's comfort and pain levels.

4. Doulas know your birth experience matters.

A doula also acts as an advocate, helping the mother follow her birth plan so she can have her desired birth outcome. She works for the mother, not the hospital or the midwife. She will be with you every step of the way because she's taken the time to really get to know you. The goal of a doula is to help the mother experience a positive and safe birth.

5. A doula can mean a better postpartum experience.

New mothers have significantly less anxiety and don't experience the "baby blues" as severely when they have a doula caring for them after the baby is born. They are also more likely to exclusively breastfeed their babies because they have support nearby. Just having someone to talk to and help those first few days after giving birth can help a new mother in so many ways.

Source: MOM.COM 

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